대우조선해양(대표이사 박두선)은 지난 2019년 영국선급 로이드로부터 스마트쉽 솔루션 최상위등급 AL3 인증획득 한 것을 시작으로, 2020년 고려대학교 정보보호대학원과 함정사이버보안 연구 협약을 맺었다. 또한 2021년 해양 사이버보안 강소기업인 디에스랩컴퍼니(주)와 해양수산부의 해양산업 수요기술 연구개발 과제 진행 등을 통해 상선과 방산 분야의 선박과 함정에 대한 사이버보안 관련 기술력을 축적해오고 있다. 최근 스마트함정, 자율운항선박 등이 개발되면서 사이버보안이 최첨단 선박 건조에 있어 가장 중요한 이슈가 되고있다. 선박이나 함정이 해킹될 경우 그 피해는 가늠하기가 어렵기 때문이다.
ENISA moderated a panel keen to explore the different aspects of the cybersecurity policy questions. Speakers from the European Commission explained the different elements of the EU policy and regulatory framework and presented how the different pieces around cybersecurity and maritime security fit together. Representatives of national authorities described how this framework is implemented at national level and how Member States go beyond this framework to support the maritime sector, e.g. via information sharing activities. Discussions centred around the new challenges introduced by NIS2 especially due to the significant increase in the number of operators in scope.
The Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port also known as the Port of Guam is among several Western Pacific entities receiving federal grant money through the 2022 Port Security Grant Program(PSGP) to ensure supply chain resiliency within Guam and the Mariana Islands. Guam will receive $564,218 from the PSGP. The PSGP is one of four grant programs under the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency that focuses on strengthening the nation's critical transportation security infrastructure. The purpose of the PSGP is to provide the necessary funds for not only state partners but local, territorial, and private sector partners to enhance security measures and resilience to critical maritime infrastructure and build threat readiness.
From October 17-19, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas traveled to the Republic of Singapore to attend Singapore International Cyber Week. On October 17, Secretary Mayorkas delivered keynote remarks on the dynamic and evolving cyber threat environment, noting that we are at a pivotal time for cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific region, calling for global partnership to improve cybersecurity, and cautioning against purchasing hardware and software "bargains" from risky suppliers for technologies that ultimately are not secure. Secretary Mayorkas met with Ambassador Jonathan Kaplan, who is strengthening our critical and close partnership with Singapore. While visiting thte US Embassy, Mayorkas hosted a roundtable discussion with Department of Homeland Security(DHS) personnel working in the region, including representatives from Customs and Border Pretection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Coast Guard.
Shipping is increasingly digitalised and interconnected. As traditional maritime operations are replaced with autonomous and computerised processes, cyber security vulnerabilities become more prevalent. While this isn't unique to maritime, certain innate challenges face shipping regarding cyber-attacks. These include the hyper-complex nature of ships and global supply chains, as well as the numerous stakehoders involved in operations and chartering Certain industry experts are already making waves in addressing these threats, but given the global reach and importance of the sector, there is likely no short-term solution. Speaking on the Standard Club's Aongside podcast(listen to the podcast here), two professionals in the field of maritime cyber-attacks outlined the nature and scale of the threat facing the industry.
With greater demand on connectivity for crew welfare and digital processes comes more responsibility, and challenges to ensure shipboard software products are up to date and crew are prepped on cyber security. Ensuring crew training is up to date and that best practices are being adhered to on remote ships is extremely difficult, said GTMaritime chief executive Robert Kenworthy. "There are massive opportunities, but with this some serious challenges," he told Riviera Maritime Media, while examining the issues surrounding vessel digitalisation and secure connectivity.