Last month maritime trend news December 01, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Maritime Cybersecurity News by CYTUR |
News Rakuten Symphony Launches Comprehensive Maritime Cybersecurity Service, “Rakuten Maritime”
Rakuten Symphony has officially announced its entry into the maritime cybersecurity industry with the launch of Rakuten Maritime, a comprehensive enterprise service addressing the growing demand for cybersecurity and digital transformation in the sector worldwide. Rakuten Maritime offers industry-leading technologies to safeguard autonomous vessels and smart ships. As global shipping companies and shipowners accelerate the adoption of autonomous technologies and develop smart ships, cyberattacks targeting these vessels have also risen. This trend has made maritime cybersecurity an essential component of the industry. The unique nature of maritime operations requires security measures tailored to the design, commissioning and operational phases of ships — differentiating them from traditional land-based systems. Rakuten Maritime addresses these needs with a lifecycle-based cybersecurity framework incorporating five key pillars: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover. This comprehensive approach strengthens vessel security and supports safe operational environments. |
스마트 선박, 자율운항선박, 스마트 함정 등 해양 모빌리티 사이버보안 전문 기업인 주식회사 싸이터(CYTUR, 대표 조용현)가 다래전략사업화센터(대표 배순구, 김정국)로 부터 프리 시리즈A 투자를 유치했다고 30일 밝혔다. 이번 투자는 라이트하우스컴바인인베스트, 선보엔젤파트너스가 함께 하였으며 이번 투자 유치 자금은 전문인력 확보와 연구개발(R&D)에 사용할 예정이다. 2016년에 설립된 싸이터는 국내 조선소, 해외 선주, 선박 기자재 기업 10여개의 고객사를 확보한 아시아 유일의 선박 사이버보안 전문기업이다. 또한 선박 사이버위협 모델링 플랫폼인 'CYTUR-TM(Threat Modeler)'과 해양 사이버위협 인텔리전스 시스템인 'CYTUR-MCTI(Maritime Cyber Threat Intelligence)'를 기반으로 선박 설계, 건조, 시운전, 운항 단계별 솔루션과 서비스를 제공하고 있다.
There is more willingness to accept heightened cybersecurity risks in the maritime industry than in other industries. That is one of the main findings from a new report from DNV. The report from the engineering and consulting firm found that 61% of surveyed maritime professions believe their industry should be willing to accept more cyber risk associated with digitalization. They see it as a worthwhile trade-off, with digitalization certain to enable innovation and new technologies. This appetite for risk is in contrast to other infrastructure industries like energy, manufacturing, and healthcare, which are less enthusiastic about adopting new technologies when security is likely to be at stake. |
Innovative technologies are transforming commercial shipping through the development of smart ports. These are without doubt the ports of the future—they will revolutionize the maritime industry through increased efficiency in shipping and pier-side services. But smart ports pose numerous threats to maritime security and the Maritime Transportation System, while the technologies that make them possible also introduce new operational and strategic challenges to Naval and Coast Guard Intelligence. These concerns deserve far more scrutiny and discussion than they have received.
The Maritime Safety Committee met for its 109th session at IMO Headquarters in London from December 2 to 6, 2024. The outcomes include: Amendments to mandatory IGC and IGF Codes adopted The Committee adopted amendments to Chapter 16 of the IGC Code, related to the use as fuel of cargoes identified as toxic products, in the context of alternative fuels and new technologies. The amendments are expected to enter into force on July 1, 2026. The Committee adopted amendments to parts A and A-1 of the IGF Code relate to ship design, fire safety, ventilation and other safety issues. The amendments are expected to enter into force on January 1, 2028.
The "Europe Maritime Cybersecurity Market: Focus on End User, Solution, Service, Threat Type, and Country-Wise Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033" report has been added to's offering. The Europe maritime cybersecurity market is projected to reach $3.49 billion by 2033 from $972.3 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 13.64% during the forecast period 2023-2033
Gasan KS Tower 901~905, 30 Beotkkot-ro 36-gil
Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul(08511) |